Since the rise of LLMs era such as ChatGPT, Bard, Gemini, Claude, etc. the development of AI based application has been drastically changed. We moved from the conventional in-house training (which require high machine spec) to ready-to-use APIs.

Fortunately, there are free APIs curated on OpenRouter platform. So we can build our simple chatbot without spending a penny!

Let’s get started! 🔥

⚡️ If you want to jump directly to the repository, you can access it here.

Project Brief

Before we start working, let’s take a look on high level concept below of how it will works. Conversational AI Architecture

For those who are just started learning LLM, this brief information can help you to understand more how LLM-based application works.

Basically, LLM works by taking user input and answer them based on its internal knowledge. If we want our LLM to do specific task such as brainstorming, making travel plan, calculating our expenses, or etc. we will need more advanced and structured user input. This is what we called Prompt.

Here are very simple illustrations of the difference in user input structure when adding a prompt and not.

Human: <user query/input here>
Assistant: <chatbot answer here>
System Prompt: <system prompt here>
Human: <user query/input here>
Assistant: <chatbot answer here>

At this point, our LLM should be able to do specific and more advanced task. However, the LLM doesn’t remember the prior conversation and every time we invoke LLM call it assume that current user input as initial conversation with the user. To solve this problem, we need to add our previous conversation to the prompt. So that everytime we send user input, the LLM has knowledge of prior conversation which makes it remember previous conversation contexes. At the end of conversation, right after the LLM given its responses, we need to save both user input and LLM response.

Here is the simple illustration of our system prompt which incorporating previous conversation.

You are professional travel planner. You are able to convert different timezone to the desired timezone quick and precisely.
Chat history:

Pay attention that we are giving clear separation between system prompt (act as basic command) and previous chat history (as additional knowledge/context). And we put chat_history variable in curly braces that intended to be replaced with our retrieved previous conversation later. We will talk about it more in technical implementation.

In short, our chatbot will combine both user input and previous chat history in a prompt. Then, it will passed to LLM as the input. The LLM then responsible to generate answer based on given input. Finally, we save current conversation (user input and LLM response) as chat history which will be consumed again later.

Setup OpenRouter API Key

Mostly, each LLM has different APIs to the others. That makes switching between models become less straightforward. OpenRouter lift those problem for us by providing a unified interface which allow us to change between models easily with very minimal code changes.

Now, to get started make sure you already created an account in Then, go to Keys page and create your API Key. Remember to save it somewhere save as it won’t show twice. OpenRouter API Key page

Start Coding! 🔥

Setup Environment

In python, it is advised to create individual virtualenv to isolate our libraries. This can reduce the possibility of error due to conflict on library versions. We will use default python’s virtualenv to make one.

Run the commands below on terminal

mkdir simple-rag-openrouter && cd simple-rag-openrouter
python -m venv venv
source .venv/bin/activate

After running the commands above, a new folder named venv should be appeared in our project directory. All of our installed library will be saved there.

Install Libraries

Make sure you already activate the virtualenv. Then, run this command to install required libraries.

pip install langchain langchain_openai gradio langchain_community uuid httpx

Create Project Environment Variables

Now, create a new file named .env. We will store our openrouter api key and base url there. So we can ensure our published codes didn’t contains any confidential information.

You also may create the file using terminal

touch .env

Then, open the .env file we just created and put our credentials there.

OPENROUTER_API_KEY = "<your-openrouter-api-key>"

To make our code reproducable by other person, let’s dump our installed python libraries to a file called requirements.txt.

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Building our Chatbot Interface

There are a various options to build chat UI, but here we will use gradio’s ChatInterface which very handy to use.

Let’s create a python file called and put the codes below.

import gradio as gr
from dotenv import load_dotenv


def predict_chat():
    # TODO: we will put our LLM call here later

with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo:

    chat_window = gr.Chatbot(bubble_full_width=False, render=False, scale=1)

    chat = gr.ChatInterface(

if __name__ == "__main__":

To run our script, run the following command in terminal.


And we can already see the chat interface provided by gradio. Gradio default ChatInterface

Now, since openrouter provide a lot of LLM models we can choose and switch between them every time we want to send message. Think of the LLM here as replacable module that we can change and set to any model we want. Replacable LLM module

Let’s add all available openrouter models, but limited to the free version only as we dont want to spend any money. To get the full list of available models, we can perform API request to openrouter’s endpoint here Then we can put the available models as dropdown options above the chat interface.

First, create a new function to get all available free models.

import httpx

def get_free_models():
    res = httpx.get("")
    if res:
        res = res.json()
        # filter only free models
        models = [item["id"] for item in res["data"] if "free" in item["id"]]
        return sorted(models)

Then, inside add dropdown component and populate the model names.

with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo:

    models = get_free_models()      # get model names
    model_choice = gr.Dropdown(
        choices=models,             # populate model names
        label="Model Choice",

Finally, add the newly added component as Chat Interface additional inputs.

chat = gr.ChatInterface(

Our file should be look like this.

import gradio as gr
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import httpx


def predict_chat():
    # TODO: we will put our LLM call here later

def get_free_models():
    res = httpx.get("")
    if res:
        res = res.json()
        # filter only free models
        models = [item["id"] for item in res["data"] if "free" in item["id"]]
        return sorted(models)

with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo:

    models = get_free_models()
    model_choice = gr.Dropdown(
        choices=models,             # populate model names
        label="Model Choice",

    chat_window = gr.Chatbot(bubble_full_width=False, render=False, scale=1)

    chat = gr.ChatInterface(

if __name__ == "__main__":

The code above should add dropdown list with free models name available in OpenRouter. Chat UI with model choices

Now we have all necessary components for our UI. However, we still can’t play around with the LLMs as we haven’t put logic to handle user-chatbot interactions yet.

Let’s add some logic there!

Add Chatbot Logic

Remember that we’ve created a function called predict_chat() earlier? Now, to make the code cleaner we will move it to a new file named We will put everything related to chatbot logic there including manage the conversation history.

We will use the prompt below to give specific task to the LLM.

System prompt:

You are an AI assistant that capable to interact with users using friendly tone. Whenever you think it needed, add some emojis to your response. No need to use hashtags.

Let’s write some codes to file Don’t forget to create one if you don’t have it yet.

First, let’s create a prompt template to put our prompt and user input together.

from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

def predict_chat(message: str, history: list, model_name: str):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
        ("system", "You are an AI assistant that capable to interact with users using friendly tone. Whenever you think it needed, add some emojis to your response. No need to use hashtags."),
        ("human", "{input}")

Here, we are using ChatPromptTemplate as we want to format the prompt in the conversation style. There are only 3 roles available, system, human, and AI.

The predict_chat() function takes 3 input, namely message, history, and model_name. Both message and history is required by default as we used gradio’s ChatInterface. While the model_name came from the model names dropdown in the file.

💡 If you’re curious how in the world those dropdown input automatically required in the predict_chat function, it is because we put that component into additional_inputs in Chat Interface parameter.

Next, let’s initiate our LLM instance. Then chain our prompt and LLM together.

llm = ChatOpenAI(

# chain prompt and LLM instance using LCEL
chain = prompt | llm

Notice that we chain prompt and LLM together using pipe (|) symbol. Thanks to LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) we can write this handy shorthand.

Finally, we invoke the chain in stream mode so we can see the progressive output while it generates the full response.

partial_msg = ""
# for chunk in{"input": message}, config={"configurable": {"session_id": user_id}, "callbacks": [ConsoleCallbackHandler()]}):
for chunk in{"input": message}):
    partial_msg = partial_msg + chunk.content
    yield partial_msg

Our should be look like this now.

from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import os

def predict_chat(message: str, history: list, model_name: str):

    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
        ("system", "You are an AI assistant that capable to interact with users using friendly tone. Whenever you think it needed, add some emojis to your response. No need to use hashtags."),
        ("human", "{input}")

    llm = ChatOpenAI(
    chain = prompt | llm

    partial_msg = ""
    # for chunk in{"input": message}, config={"configurable": {"session_id": user_id}, "callbacks": [ConsoleCallbackHandler()]}):
    for chunk in{"input": message}):
        partial_msg = partial_msg + chunk.content
        yield partial_msg

Now, go back for a while to and add this line on import section.

from chatbot import predict_chat

Cool! At this point, we can start playing around with our chatbot and it will respond to our chats!

Playing around with our chatbot

Context-Aware Response Generation

Our chatbot can respond to our question already. However, it lack of previous conversation contexes. Take a look on the captured conversation below. The previous context was talking about travel plan, but when I tried to continue the conversation it gave me an answer that doesn’t have correlation with previous context. Chatbot failed to understand prevoius context

To work on this issue, we need to put the chat history to our prompt. Here we will use SQLite as our database to save the whole chat history. Since we will only have one database for all users, we need a session_id between each user conversation history to avoid retrieving wrong user’s conversation.

We will first add a hidden input in chat interface that generate a unique UUID which will act as our session_id. So, everytime we refresh the page, it will generate new session_id as well.

import uuid

with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo:

    user_ids = gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=uuid.uuid4())

Next, add the hidden input component as Chat Interface additional_inputs as well. So, now Chat Interface additional inputs should contains model_choice and user_ids. Otherwise, we cannot pass the value to the function predict_chat() behind.

chat = gr.ChatInterface(
    additional_inputs=[model_choice, user_ids],

Our final should be look like this.

import gradio as gr
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import httpx
from chat import predict_chat
import uuid


def get_free_models():
    res = httpx.get("")
    if res:
        res = res.json()
        models = [item["id"] for item in res["data"] if "free" in item["id"]]
        return sorted(models)

with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo:

    user_ids = gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=uuid.uuid4())

    models = get_free_models()
    model_choice = gr.Dropdown(
        label="Model Choice",

    chat_window = gr.Chatbot(bubble_full_width=False, render=False, scale=1)

    chat = gr.ChatInterface(
        additional_inputs=[model_choice, user_ids],

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now, we’re done with Let’s move further to file.

from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import SQLChatMessageHistory

def get_chat_history(session_id: str):
    chat_history = SQLChatMessageHistory(
        session_id=session_id, connection_string="sqlite:///memory.db")
    return chat_history

Then, we’ll a new variable named history in our prompt using MessagesPlaceholder. The rest of the prompt attribute stays the same. Also, don’t forget to add user_id to our predict_chat function parameter

def predict_chat(message: str, history: list, model_name: str, user_id: str):
    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
        ("system", "You are an AI assistant that capable to interact with users using friendly tone. Whenever you think it needed, add some emojis to your response. No need to use hashtags."),
        ("human", "{input}")

Next, instead of we call invoke directly on chained prompt and LLM instance, we will use a new instance called RunnableWithMessageHistory.

from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory

history_runnable = RunnableWithMessageHistory(

Remember that we should always save our current conversation to database so we can use it in future interaction with chatbot? Gratefully, all those logic already handled by RunnableWithMessageHistory so we don’t have to handle it by ourselves.

Note that we also put input and history as input and history message key respectively. Keep in mind that this key should match with variables key that already defined in prompt.

Finally, rather than calling stream from chain, we call it from history_runnable instead. So our streaming code will look like this.

partial_msg = ""
for chunk in{"input": message}, config={"configurable": {"session_id": user_id}}):
    partial_msg = partial_msg + chunk.content
    yield partial_msg

Our final should be look like this.

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder
from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory
from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import SQLChatMessageHistory

def get_chat_history(session_id: str):
    chat_history = SQLChatMessageHistory(session_id=session_id, connection_string="sqlite:///memory.db")
    return chat_history

def predict_chat(message: str, history: list, model_name: str, user_id: str):

    prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
        ("system", "You are an AI assistant that capable to interact with users using friendly tone. Whenever you think it needed, add some emojis to your response. No need to use hashtags."),
        ("human", "{input}")

    llm = ChatOpenAI(

    chain = prompt | llm

    history_runnable = RunnableWithMessageHistory(

    partial_msg = ""
    for chunk in{"input": message}, config={"configurable": {"session_id": user_id}}):
        partial_msg = partial_msg + chunk.content
        yield partial_msg

That’s a wrap! Our chatbot now can understand previous conversation context. Super! ⚡️ Final chatbot that understand context from previous conversation

Full Project


Throughout this article, we already covered how to build a context-aware chatbot – a chatbot that understand previous conversation contexes.

In the upcoming article I will demonstrate how we can extend this chatbot to be able interact with external files as well such as financial reports, product catalogs, or even company profile website.

Stay tune! 👋


  1. LangChain getting started
  2. Add message history (memory)
  3. LCEL (LangChain Expression Language)
  4. OpenRouter docs

Let’s get Connected 🙌

If you have any inquiries, comments, suggestions, or critics please don’t hesitate to reach me out: